smell of time fragrance from yesterday, today, tomorrow
flat sky hangs so low I stoop
garden center run mobile garden supplies filling back porch
Thursday, 22 March 2007
after the storm
inches of spring rain
in the trash can
dead rabbit - ...all those fur-lined nests
first light in back yard new grass sprouts peeking through the mud
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Wellesley Square — a jogging couple’s matching wool mittens
first day of spring smiles bursting out everywhere
Spring's Eve day before spring freshly filled flowerpots sitting on the stoop morning walk single forsythia bloom waving in the wind afternoon commute new grass poking through sidewalk cracks
equinox — a lawyer faxes me a copy of the Will
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
bristly flowerbeds of daffodils - at night stealthily
Welcome to Spring Haiku 2007 - a place for writers of haiku and related forms to share their experiences of the season.
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